Truck Loads of Steel

You have come to the right place to be entertained by the guts and ingenuity of Indonesian workers at our soon-to-be new Java Bite training and production facility!  Apparently this truck driver only had time for a 5 minute visit to the site.  We are still both laughing and amazed as we watch both of these videos that tell the story of one man and one large truck dumping 10 tons of steel at our construction site.  Have a look….  

Here comes the steel!

Aren’t you curious??  How did it all end up? I’m still laughing…Enjoy….

I wonder if his boss knows!!!

What is our vision? 

Our new training and production facility is 6.33% (!) finished and will be a launching pad to add value to the abundant and luscious fruits found in more villages in Indonesia.  We also have hopes and plans to build up the people in the area of this new training location and in the areas of every new village that we enter!

As you “stay tuned” for the rest of that story, please check out our products. #SnacksWithImpact….spread the word!  To our Indonesian friends living in the USA, please check out our store on the bahasa side of this site, to send some Java Bite to your family back in Indonesia! Click the flag above.

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Katie Nicholson|
Charles Nicholson|
Charles Nicholson|
Charles Nicholson|
Charles Nicholson|