Apakah Anda sedang mencari kue yang empuk dengan suatu bahan rahasia yang baru? Inilah saatnya! Yoghurt menambah kekenyalan dan berat yang membuat kue yang dipanggang menjadi luar biasa. Mangga kering Java Bite menambah rasa unik buah tropis yang akan membuat anak Anda meminta lagi. Coba mengkombinasikan dua bahan berbeda dengan rasa berbeda pula. Manis mangga dan asam yoghurt akan membuat perpaduan rasa unik! Ada 2 resep disini. *Untuk yang lebih ringan, tanpa mentega, lihat resep paling bawah!
Waktu persiapan: 30 menit / Total waktu: 60 menit
- 1/2cangkir (c.) mentega yang dilunakkan
- 2 butir telur
- 1/2c. gula merah
- 1 sdt baking powder
- 1 sdt soda kue
- 1 sdt garam
- 1 sdt vanilla
- 1 c. yoghurt natural plain (asam)
- 2 c. tepung terigu
- 200 – 250gr mangga kering Java Bite
- 1/4c. gula merah + 1 sdt bubuk kayu manis sebagai topping
Cara membuat:
- Pour boiling water over the mangos from 4-5 packages of Java Bite dried mangoes. Let soak for 5 minutes, while you work on #2. Drain off water. Pat dry with a paper towel. With a kitchen scissors cut mangoes into bits. **OR do this process the night before you want to make the Coffee Cake, and store the cut up mangoes in the refrigerator to help your morning go a bit quicker!
- Blend ingredients together, in order, with an electric mixer. Stir the mango bits into the batter.
- Spread batter in a 9 x 13 inch pan sprayed with non-stick spray. Sprinkle with a cinnamon – brown sugar mixture.
- Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. After cooling, store in an airtight container. The cake freezes well. Makes 12 generous servings.
**Mango-Yogurt Coffee Cake (without butter makes a tasty but lighter bar)
Follow the exact same recipe as above and prepare it the same way, except without the 1/2c. Butter.
Created by: Joy Thye, Java Bite cheerleader